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Develop an infotip extension for Vista or later OS
INFO: Basic trouble-shooting guide.
HOWTO: Target a context menu extension for 'My Computer' or other special folders
Deploying to a 64-bit OS.
INFO: Overlay icons limits in Windows
HOWTO: Load dependant assemblies from your shell extension.
HOWTO: Develop a thumbnail extension for Vista or later OS
HOWTO: Develop a column extension for Vista or later OS
Develop a property sheet extension for an Active Directory object
Develop a context menu extension for an Active Directory object
INFO: Using debugging to track potential problems.
INFO: Providing multiple overlay icons when using OverlayIconExtension
HOWTO: Add large number of menu items (beyond the number of menu item slots provided by Windows)
HOWTO: Display a bitmap for the menu item in a context menu
HOWTO : Determine whether context menu is being shown for a shortcut
HOWTO: Enable Windows XP Visual Styles for a property sheet extension
HOWTO : Insert menu items at a non-default position in the contextmenu using a context menu extension
HOWTO : Interact with IE from a Band Object or a Browser Helper Object
HOWTO: Register a shell extension for multiple targets/extensions
INFO: Registering/unregistering and debugging shell extensions on Windows Vista or later OS
INFO : Deploying EZShellExtensions.Net on computers with multiple versions of the .Net runtime installed.
INFO : Registering, testing and debugging shell extensions developed with EZShellExtensions.Net
INFO : Deploying extensions developed with EZShellExtensions.Net
HOWTO : Make a IE toolband/bandobject visible by default when IE starts up
INFO : Writing multiple shell extensions in a single assembly/dll
HOWTO : Develop a context menu extension/thumbnail extension/property sheet extension to target all files
HOWTO : Add owner drawn menu items in a context menu extension
HOWTO : Add sub-menus/multi-level menus to a context menu extension developed using EZShellExtensions.Net
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