Home of Shell MegaPack : Windows Explorer-Like File & Folder Browser Controls & Components For .Net & ActiveX

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GUI Controls and Components

Shell MegaPack - For WinForms And WPF And ActiveX

Shell MegaPack is a set of GUI controls which completely mimic the WIndows Explorer UI. Consisting of a folder hierarchy tree control, a file/folder list control and a drive-selection combobox, it mimics every Windows Explorer feature including Thumbnail, Details and GroupView, dragdrop, icons, context menus, virtual items, infotips and renaming. Its powerful behavior control and customization functionality takes it miles ahead of Windows Explorer by adding features like item filtering, item checkboxes, custom items, custom columns and customization of context menus, dragdrop, appearance, display names, icons, overlay icons and infotips. ShellObjects, a brand new suite of controls is now also included in Shell MegaPack.

Controls included in Shell MegaPack:


.Net Components and Libraries


EZNamespaceExtensions.Net is a framework for fast, painless and easy development of Windows Explorer namespace extensions. EZNamespaceExtensions.Net eliminates the time-consuming, error-prone and complicated process of developing namespace extensions using an innovative yet simple and easy-to-use object model. EZNamespaceExtensions.Net can reduce the time required to write namespace extensions by as much as 80%. Think of the savings in terms of time and money that this brings to your software development schedule!


EZShellExtensions is a set of components for fast, painless and easy development of Windows shell extensions. EZShellExtensions eliminates the time-consuming, error-prone and complicated process of developing shell extensions using an innovative yet simple and easy-to-use object model.  EZShellExtensions can reduce the time required to write shell extensions by as much as 80%. Think of the savings in terms of time and money that this brings to your software development schedule!


MFC/ATL/C++ Components and Libraries


EZNamespaceExtensionsMFC is a framework for fast, painless and easy development of Windows Explorer namespace extensions using MFC, ATL or plain C++. EZNamespaceExtensionsMC eliminates the time-consuming, error-prone and complicated process of developing namespace extensions using an innovative yet simple and easy-to-use object model. EZNamespaceExtensionsMFC can reduce the time required to write namespace extensions by as much as 80%. Think of the savings in terms of time and money that this brings to your software development schedule!


EZShellExtensions is a set of components for fast, painless and easy development of Windows shell extensions using MFC, ATL or plain C++. EZShellExtensions eliminates the time-consuming, error-prone and complicated process of developing shell extensions using an innovative yet simple and easy-to-use object model.  EZShellExtensions can reduce the time required to write shell extensions by as much as 80%. Think of the savings in terms of time and money that this brings to your software development schedule!


Addins For Visual Studio


VS Explorer

File And Folder Explorer Addin For Visual Studio : Windows Explorer-Like File And Folder Browsing Inside Of Visual Studio.